2023 Officers Sworn In

At the meeting on December 15, 2022, the following officers were sworn in:


Matthew R. Palmer, LS


Martin J. Gotwalt, LS


Michael A. Venturo, LS

Two board members were also sworn in:

Matthew L. Murphy, LS

Douglas S. Churchill, LS

2022 Officers and Board Members Announced

The following officers and board members were sworn in at the annual meeting on December 17:

President: Justin Roloson, PLS

Vice President: Matthew Palmer, PLS

Secretary: Martin Gotwalt, PLS

Treasurer: Michael Venturo, PLS

Board Member: Nathan Dunn, PLS

Board Member: Robert Avery, PLS

Associate Director: Keith Burley, LSIT

They will join the current board members:

David Standinger, PLS

Christopher Locke, PLS

Jeffrey Tiede, PLS

Gregory Pauly, PLS

2022 NYSAPLS Surveyors Conference

January 19 through January 28, 2022.

This year’s event is being offered virtually.


2022 Officer and BOD Election

Please use the following link to fill out your ballot.


2019 NYSAPLS Surveyors Conference

This year’s NYSAPLS Surveyors conference will be held Monday January 28th through Wednesday January 30th in Saratoga Springs, NY.  More details and links for registration can be found on the NYSAPLS website ( here ).  We hope to see you all there!

GVLSA Standards/PR Committee Meeting – 8/2/2018, 6:00 pm


Please join the GVLSA Joint Standards/Public Relations Committee Meeting on Thursday, August 2, 2018, 6:00 pm, at the 40&8 Club.

· Ribs, slaw, cornbread, mac n cheese . . .
The ribs will be Smokin’ Aces Recipe 23 . . . fresh off the smoker and sliced to serve . . .

· Unfinished Business
o Proposed Agenda from May 9
· 2018-2019 Plan
o Rochester Homebuilders Homeshow 2019
o Craigslist
o NYS Association of County Clerks – Sept 24-26, 2018
o https://terrafairs.org/terra-fairs-fellowship/
o National Surveyors Week
o New Members
· New Business
o NYSAPLS PR Update – firm approved

RSVP TO Mic.Arsitz@aandalandsurveying.com by COB on Tuesday 8/1 so we have a rib count . . .

2018 GVLSA Family Picnic – 6/10/2018

The GVLSA 2018 Summer Picnic will be held at Hopkins Lodge, Mendon Ponds Park on Sunday June 10th from 2pm to 8pm.  All members and their families are invited!  Picnic meats and drinks will be served, and guests are encouraged to bring a dish to pass.  There will be survey themed games, including the return of the Pacing Competition.  Please RSVP to Jonathan Navagh at jnavagh@gmail.com by June 1st, 2018 with confirmations.

2018 National Surveyors Week

Happy National Surveyors Week everyone! How will you be participating?

NYSAPLS is hosting a Photo Contest this year for the anyone participating, find more details on their website :


Least Squares and Positional Tolerance

The GVLSA will be hosting the second showing of the NYSAPLS webinar entitled “Least Squares and Positional Tolerance” Thursday March 8th at the offices of Erdman Anthony in Rochester NY.  The cost will be $0 for GVLSA Members, and $10 for non members, and will include a delicious barbecue dinner!!  Please RSVP to jroloson@ravieng.com by March 1st.

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